Pre painted material handling
- Material is supplied from factory to site in prime condition
- Normally all structures are primed with one coat of red oxide zinc chromate primer unless there is a specific requirement of project
- .While in transit there is a possibility of scratches on the material, which should be touched up with the same primer after unloading at site
Requirement while field painting to ensure quality:
- Primer touch-up should be done with the same type of primer as applied in plant after proper cleaning of dust, rust, etc.
- Primer/ Painting should be avoided during foggy weather conditions.
- Ensure the requirements as mentioned in Product Data Sheet (PDS) for product application and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for product safety.
- Arrange the PDS and MSDS of applicable Paint
- Spray process be used while painting at site
- Mixing of Thinner and Paint should be done as per manufacture's recommendation
- To avoid dust accumulation, material to be kept on wooden pallets or on sufficient height while painting
- After painting one side of the material leave it for sufficient time to dry, before painting the other side of the material.
- Second coat interval to be maintained as per manufacturer’s recommendation.
- Ensure final painting to be done by skilled painter
- Required Dry Film Thickness (DFT) to be maintained and measured by calibrated DFT gauge.
Safety while storage of Paint at site
- Use appropriate PPE when handling the paint containers
- Storage areas shall be kept free of weeds, debris, and other combustible material
- All storage rooms should have a proper ventilation system to provide fresh air
- Paint should be stored in sealed containers at a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and any heating source
- Do not stack more than 3 containers
- A minimum space of 2 feet should be maintained between rows in which the containers are kept
- Empty containers shall be stored separately with their lids open
- Wiping rags, drop cloths and paint-stained clothing shall be stored in waste cans with closed lid
- Temporary electrical wiring / fittings should not to be installed in the paint storage area
- Half-filled containers or unused paints should be marked properly for traceability and should be used by the next day
Safety during Painting activity
- Before starting painting activity tool box training should be conducted and on job safety analysis to be organized
- Worker should wear proper clothes to cover full body and use hand gloves to avoid any direct contact with paint
- Wear an approved paint/spray/respirator, safety goggle while painting
- Ensure use of Personal Protective Equipment’s like safety helmet, full body safety harness/Lifeline etc. during painting at height
- Barricade/isolate the ground level and the area below the painting activity
- Keep food and drink away from areas being painted
- For any paint activity at night, proper illumination and supervision should be ensured which should be approved by an appropriate authority
- Once the painting activity is done the painter should properly wash hands, arms, face before eating/drinking and should change into clean clothing before leaving the work site
- If the worker feels unfit like dizziness while painting , he should be taken to the open area for fresh air
Safety Precautions at site for storage and painting activity
- Material Safety Data Sheet shall be displayed at the paint storage area and circulated to all supervisors and above level
- Entry to the paint area shall be restricted
- Display safety signage/warnings at the paint storage and at the painting yard
- Do not carry match boxes or cigarette lighters or any inflammable products to the site
- Smoking, Grinding, gas cutting, welding, working with naked flames, etc. are strictly prohibited at the paint storage area and during the painting activity
- Appropriate fire extinguishers/ sand buckets should be available at the storage area and at site
- Continuous supervision shall be done at the site
- Test certificate of air compressor to be handed over and ensure proper safe guarding of the moving parts of air compressor
- Provide safe access for workers and ensure a stable work platform during painting activity at height
- Safety Engineer/Safety officer should be available at site during painting activity
- Ensure all lifting equipment and gears which are used during painting at height are third party inspected and records are maintained for the same
- Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when cleaning spraying equipment
- The paint cleaning fluid should be disposed properly in an safe manner